Contract owner

Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran

Project description

Though sanction put us into severe pressure, it can develop domestic industries and result in increasing number of domestic companies.
For the first time an Iranian company was cooperating with Mobile Telecommunication Company of Iran. MCI chose Isatis to perform their project: Setareye Vanak, Hamrah Shahr, and the building located in Keshavarz Boulvard,
The most important challenge was to convince the managers on the quality of processing and final product.
In Hamrah Shahr which is a residential complex for MCI’s employees, located in 22 restrict of Tehran, after the resignation of the foreigner supplier, Isatis became responsible for performing the remaining machines. Our designing and R&D team, interfaced a new challenge; to compare components in details with the performing elevators supplied by the foreigner company.
Though the most challenging part was designing and establishing fire elevators according to fire department instructions, licensed in October 2017. Based on our data this had been designed and performed in Iran for the first time. The deficiency and inexperience of fire department technicians put us in a complicated situation, yet the outstanding design of cabins is an honorable achievement in elevator industry.

  • Elevator